Saturday, June 13, 2009

I finally found a reason....

Hello all! I can't believe it's been almost three months since my last entry. And I was doing so good keeping consistent, but alas, I fell off the wagon and deprived everyone of any great recommendations that only my unique perspective could offer. (Please, hold all outbursts of laughter until after you've finished reading.) A big reason for the lack of posts is due to the fact I've been so unsure as to exactly what I want to do with this blog. To be honest, I thought it would be me giving witty, insightful commentary on the world around me. However, I stumbled upon a big problem with that: I realized quickly I'm not one to share the trivialities of my life. Much of life can be so personal to me and I'm unable to nonchalantly post the stuff that both angers and makes me happy without going into too much detail and/or getting righteous. (It seems I have communication issues and this is something that surprises me--Mr. Just Won't Shut The Fuck UP--even as I'm typing these words.) Then, my second attempt was at something based on all things artistic that I like. But here again I ran into a problem: I lose focus so easily when I harp only on my pretentious, too-good-for-you taste. (But don't be deceived: my taste is superior, and this is something that I will steadfastly uphold even if I am wrong in so many ways--which I'm not usually.) So with some ample time and distance from the blog, I have finally decided what the hell I'm going to do with it. (Again, refrain from laughing until I'm finished.) I have been immersing myself heavily into the local arts scene here in the CV and I've realized quickly there's not much attention being paid to it. This is a shame! The reason most people feel the CV is an uncultured abyss full of farms and hicks is that most local events/organizations/artists are not given an ounce of attention outside the local newspaper. Ur, I think not!! So I'm looking to correct this slight conflagration by doing my part and using my blog for spotlighting the vast amount of arts' activity in the CV. (It's here everyone. And it's exciting stuff!!) I def won't abstain from interesting and awesome stuff from pop culture that I want to talk about, but def more focused on the local arts scene. Thanks everyone still reading this blog occasionally. I hope that you'll find it worth the visit next time you click on!

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