Monday, December 29, 2008


my music list of 2k8

So I'm doing this list thing again. As for those of you that know when I tried to attempt this in 2006, I never finished making it to the top ten. (I know I'm bad!) Thus, I'm embarking upon this list as a challenge--one, that in finishing, I hope will provoke discussion, downloading, or Youtube watching. I have divided the list in five installments. It makes it easier for me to post and, hopefully, easier for you to check it out. This year I have decided to extend my top songs to include fifty. An arbitrary decision to be sure (and maybe a tad long-winded) but whatev...all these songs rock and I could not NOT include them, you know? And so everyone can instantly hear them, I have tried to create a link for each song. I'm sorry I didn't post them for downloading but I'm not that tech-savy, yet. Plus, most of these songs have awesome videos that deserve to be viewed again and again and again and again.....Anywho, I'll shut up and list. Enjoy!!!

50. Janet Jackson "Rock With U"

Random choice? Maybe, considering the hot mess that Miss Janet has become of late (has anyone seen those concert pics of her lately? WTF!). However, this song has reaffirmed my love for Lady Jackson. Especially the music video. Set in a boarded-up garage--or the Bar on Castro--with dancing hipsters, the choreography is sexy and the attitude Miss J carries is fierce! Maybe it's just a silly dream to want to see Janet return to her former glory but as long as there are videos like these every now and again I won't mind whatever horrible outfits Janet decides to rock out on tour. Even if they look like costumes from the Lion King.

Video: Janet Jac
kson "Rock With U"

49. Alela Diane "Pieces of String"

This song--not to mention, artist--was another pleasant surprise I found on Gorrilla vs Bear this year (a site becoming just as beloved as Pitchfork for me). Immediately, Alela Diane's sound is simultaneously reminiscent of Cat Power circa You Are Free and Joanne Newsome. But she is no mere imitator. Yes, it's very folky and there are child-like voices singing in the background but it's also emotionally powerful, too. The sparse instrumentation and children back-up singers are just the frame for which her strong and imperfect voice can take center stage and effectively channel the loss of innocence...something that comforts and haunts me at once. The songstress is due to release her second album at the beginning of 2009 and I wouldn't doubt that more people will be talking about this talented musician in the coming year.

Video: Alela Diane "Pieces of String"

48. Rihanna "Don't Stop the Music"

her or hate her Riri is here to stay, y'all. And why shouldn't she? With hits like this and "Umbrella," Rihanna has proven herself to be a hit-making machine. Initially, I thought this song to be a cheap shot at a second hit, throwaway filler riding the coattails of Umbrella's success. However, after many listens on Movement 97 or in the BOC, I changed my mind. This song is made for the club and the fact that Michael Jackson is on the track only cements its status as pop gold. For real. Riri, you done did it again, girl!

Video: Rihanna "Don't Stop the Music"

47. Gang Gang Dance "House Jam"

How do I describe Gang Gang Dance? Well, just take a look at that album's cover art. It's as weird, exotic and interesting as their sound. The exceptional "House Jam" is no
different. Built around electronic gurgles and shoegazer motifs, the track feels tribal. However, it also feels aesthetically like a punk record, ready to implode any minute. Yet, it never quite does, thanks to the tight structure (and there is one) the song adheres to. Don't be upset if you don't like "House Jam" immediately upon first listen. I was not an instant enthusiast about this record but after repeated listens I heart this track completely, and encourage all to get this track and the album, Saint Dymphna, it hails from.

Video: Gang Gang Dance "House Jam"

46. Nite Jewel "What Did He Say"

On Nite Jewel's Myspace headline read the words: Liquid Cool. I think that's a perfect description of "What Did He Say." The smooth keyboards and basic productio
n provide a warm, after-hours ambiance and Ramona Gonzalez's voice, rather than sing, echoes in and out of the track, creating a haunting and sultry melody that lures one in with a finger and a wink. This single has been released by the Italians Do It Better label, and Nite Jewel has been aesthetically lumped in with the likes of Farah and Glass Candy. And on this song, that comparison couldn't be any truer. Like her name, "What Did He Say" is a gem to be cherished after the children have gone to bed and the wine is almost finished.

Myspace: Nite Jewel

45. Q-Tip "Gettin Up"

From the piano hook that opens the song to the buoyant chorus that demands we all be 'gettin up,' this track establishes itself as a classic. Hip hop with a message has
been Tip's forte since his days with the Tribe but "Gettin Up" feels vaguely soaked in the sun Cali-style. It isn't hyphy or gangstafied, but cheery and bright like the Beach Boys. Production by the late J-Dilla, this song is hopeful and inspiring because of Tip's flow and the enthusiasm in which it's delivered. (I certainly believe it!) And hands down, this song is already proving to be my anthem of 09. "We gettin up, we gettin up, today is nice come on we gettin up..."

Video: Q-Tip "Gettin Up"

44. Pharrell "That Girl"

One of the biggest changes in my life this year has been the return to my parents house here in the CV (I know. Hard, right?!) Besides having the parental units as new roomies, I also get the chance to live with my little brother who is now seventeen, a jock, and deep into hip hop. Over the last couple of months, not only have I been reacquainted with this new version of my sibling, but lots and lots of music that has slipped between the cracks over the last two years. Fortunately, songs from The Young Gunz, The Game, a
nd Lupe Fiasco have all become staples in my car and ipod lately. And this gem from Pharrell about two years ago has too. Pharrell has always been an amazing beat creator and this song reaffirms it. With Snoop Dogg in tow, "That Girl" just slides and grooves, never forcing itself on you. Definitely an indicator of the tastes my brother has... and I dig!
Video: Pharrell "That Girl"

43. The Twelves "Works For Me"

There are a number of amazing hybrid DJs/musicians out there doing their thing right now like Van She, Aeroplane, Crystal Castles, and CFCF. The Twelves belong in that phenomenal talent pool as well.
I've been a huge fan of these Brazilian boys' work since I heard their fantastic remix last year of MIA's "Boyz." Their ability to make you move your ass while checking out the guy next to you is unmatched. "Works For Me" is a warm house joint that crushes on its listener, eyes meeting and inviting smiles playfully flirting in the dark. And if you don't want anything more, the boys will be alright with that. In other words, all fun and no expectations. Just the way I like it!

Video: The Twelves "Works For Me"

42. Vampire Weekend "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa"

I downloaded this song like over a year ago from Gorilla vs Bear (I think?!) but it wasn't until this year that I fully began to appreciate the beauty of this track. The guitar line has now become so ubiquitous in indie-dom that it's been remixed, covered and/or sampled by everyone from The Very Best to Lykke Li. Why? Becaus
e it's pop music at it's best. Forget the Ivy League pedigree of the band or the Paul Simon evocations in the music. Forget that it was like the perfect summer jam to be playing at barbeques or drinks at happy hour. Whether your chillin in the sun in Doloros Park or driving through the fields in the CV at dusk, it's gonna get you humming and singing. Why? Because it's pop music at it's best. Pure and simple.

Video: Vampire Weekend "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwasaa"

41. Women "Black Rice"

Many a blog blew this song up over the course of this year--and rightfully so. First, the production is so fuzzy and analog-sounding--thanks to Chad VanGaalen (another new favorite of this year!). Really. The record feels as if a microphone was put in a basement and the guys were told to do their thing, echoes and all. But that melody...SUPERB! It's deceptively simple, yet, executed so meticulously. For the chorus alone, I'd recommend this track (I'm telling you that falsetto fucking rocks!). Still, I don't get the title: black rice? WTF!!

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