Monday, March 9, 2009

RAINY DAYS AND MONDAYS: Empire of the Sun "Walking On A Dream" (Jimmy2sox remix)

The week is here upon us again, and by now, we are well on our way into the thick of it. So I figure why not some great music to enjoy along the way. I've heard this song by Empire of the Sun for a couple of months now and I, frankly, did not think much of it at first. They look like characters out of a cheesy 80s' flick and remind me of another joke-band, like The Darkness. But that's always not a bad thing. Slowly this song has won me over and I've become a fan. Then comes along Jimmy2sox and I'm in love, playing this song non-stop for the last five days. Both the band and the remixer are from the land down under and I'm beginning to believe Australia has more going for it than kangaroos and Hugh Jackman. Don't believe me? The horn loop alone is worth the listen.

Monday, March 2, 2009

RAINY DAYS AND MONDAYS: Miami Horror "Don't Be On With Her"

Miami Horror is an Australian dance outfit intent on keeping the 80s revival going. And with songs as deliciously catchy as "Don't Be On With Her," fuck yeah!! This song aims to bring out only the best elements of 80s dance/synth music. Indeed many of the vocal effects remind me of the great freestyle classics of Lisa Lisa and Debbie Deb. However, what's remarkable about this track is that even amongst the many nods to era of big synths and obnoxious guitar solos (and this song has plenty of them) this song feels current and so appopriate at any real dance party happening today. Solid gold! And to prove it, check out the vid below. It's 80's fabulous. Enjoy!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Popcorn Talk: Who's up for some good films???

So I've seen what all the hub-bub is about and I'm not disappointed. I finally saw The Wrestler today and I was left chocked up and emotionally stirred. Really, the last ten minutes of the movie is the shit. I know most of you have heard about what the film is about so I won't bore you, but talk about tragic. And Mickey Rourke's performance is every bit as powerful as you would expect with stakes this incredibly high. I'm impressed and I definitely recommend it to all who are still hesitant to watch it. GO SEE IT!!!!

Now Milk. This was the movie that I have been dying to see all winter. I can not tell you how much I have been wanting to it. Srsly. Like for real. For some reason, this movie has come to represent so much more to me than just a film. It's become a symbol of equality and hope. Real powerful stuff, like the man himself: Harvey Milk. Every group has their leaders and Harvey is ours. And the film has attained a higher significance because of the passage of Prop 8. I have never felt so indifferent and hurt aboud politics as I did the day after last November's historic elections. Every gay person I know was numb, angry, and disgusted that we can still live in a society that will openly legislate such discrimination. It was hurtful.

What I love the most about Milk is how the film is more than just Harvey Milk. It's about the difficult struggle for equality that gay men and women have been fighting for several decades in the face of fear and blind hatred. The story of Harvey's rise in San Francisco's political landscape is not about the ambition of one man, but the ambition of a whole group of people determined to have their voices heard. There's a unity behind that and I'm lucky to know what that unity means. It's no surprise that the first openly gay supervisor was elected in San Francisco. There's something special about the City, and I can attest to that magic. Anybody who really loves San Francisco understands what that magic is. And Milk does a great job capturing that which makes Harvey (and San Francisco) unique.

I'm Back!!!

Yes, everyone. I'm announcing officially my return to the blogosphere. WTF? you may be saying to yourself because a month and a half is not really a long time to be away, but it is. I started this whole blog business because I felt like I had SOOO much to say. And I do. But I'm not posting any of it anywhere. What is that about? I plan to renew my commitment to the Boomerang and indulge my readers (all two of you) with my insightful ruminations and witty banter. (Please agree with that!) So thanks for reading this (again, all two, maybe one, of you).